Friday, February 26, 2016

My Parents Parenting Style

Parenting - Five Mistakes that Moms Make. #kids:
I asked my parents several questions regarding their parenting style. The things that they said were really sweet to me. It meant a lot to have it in writing because I have always really valued their roles as my parents. They have been the perfect balance for me of parents and friends. I have always felt that they treat me as their equal, and they have always had so much trust and faith in me. Because of that, I have always wanted to do things that would be pleasing to them.
This is what they had to say regarding their motives/techniques:

Motivation:  Desire to raise children to be good people who love the Lord and love their neighbor.

Parenting Styles: 
-          Establish our values as a family, and then do our best to model and teach those values 
-          Set some rules, but mostly trust our kids to do what’s right
-          Strongly believe in treating our children with respect, and not dictating to them everything they should do 
-          Something along the lines of Joseph Smith’s saying “…teach them correct principles and they govern themselves”

Some Objectives:
-          Teach the Gospel with the intent of children growing up to make covenants and follow the Lord
-          Teach obedience
-          Teach children to respect, love and serve others
-          Teach children how to work and be responsible

How well we followed our ideal:
-          There’s ALWAYS room for improvement as a parent – we’re learning as we go
-          Overall, we raised/are raising our kids the way we have hoped to – but feel we fall short a lot of the time
-          Our kids are awesome, so despite our shortcomings, they’re turning out great so far

Some of greatest challenges:
-          Learning how to handle different personalities – everybody can’t be parented exactly the same way.
-          Knowing when to keep pushing and when to back off
-          Getting kids to do chores!
-          Seeing our kids suffer/experience pain – physical or emotional.
-          Having enough time to take care of everyone’s needs

Some of our greatest joys:
-          Seeing our kids be successful in anything – from a test at school, to a game or performance, or even just being a good friend
-          Watching them move through each stage of life – always something to love about every age!
-          Our kids developing their own testimonies and choosing righteous paths
-          The bond we have as a family – times just sitting around together talking about our day
-          When our kids are happy
-          When our kids show love to anyone

-          Pray about/for your kids – be specific and seek the help of the Lord
-          Communicate as parents and be on the same team
-          Keep communication open and active with kids
-          Let them know they’re loved no matter what

Together, Forever!

I feel so lucky to have been blessed with my family. I find so much comfort knowing that they are mine forever! Each family member adds so much to the family dynamic. We are all different in many ways, but the love and support that we have for each other is always so evident. My parents are some of my best friends, and they have shown so much love to our family. I am so grateful for our Father's Great Plan of Happiness that allows me to live with them forever. I can't wait to laugh with these goofs for eternity!

Spiritually Preparing for Marriage

What Can I Do Now to Spiritually Prepare for Marriage?

Temple Covenants

LDS Handouts: Ordinances & Covenants: Why are temple ordinances important?:

Why make and keep covenants? 1. Covenant keeping strengthens, empowers and protects. 2. Keeping covenants is essential for true happiness. 3. Keeping our covenants demonstrates our love for the Savior and our Father in Heaven. —Linda K. Burton:
LDS GC FREE PRINTABLES! APRIL 2015 | Thomas S. Monson:
marriage One of my favorite illustrations! Closer you both get to God the closer you get to each other! Keep God center & you cant go wrong!: How have the blessings of the Lord’s house and being faithful to the covenants you have made therein positively impacted your marriage and family? From Elder Bednar’s message


noun- a man in relation to his natural child or children.
verb- be the father of.

Elder L. Tom Perry | 'Father is the noblest title': 18 quotes from LDS leaders about why dads matter | Deseret News:
"Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling" L. Tom Perry.

 President Ezra Taft Benson | 'Father is the noblest title': 18 quotes from LDS leaders about why dads matter | Deseret News: "To the Fathers in Israel," Ezra Taft Benson
 Inspirational and Spiritual Quotes memes from LDS General Conference (2): "We'll Ascend Together," Linda K. Burton
“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song.” - Pam Brown

OH MY CUTE... one of the most adorable father son pics... love it. I'll take em both....: Father and son photo from