Friday, February 26, 2016

My Parents Parenting Style

Parenting - Five Mistakes that Moms Make. #kids:
I asked my parents several questions regarding their parenting style. The things that they said were really sweet to me. It meant a lot to have it in writing because I have always really valued their roles as my parents. They have been the perfect balance for me of parents and friends. I have always felt that they treat me as their equal, and they have always had so much trust and faith in me. Because of that, I have always wanted to do things that would be pleasing to them.
This is what they had to say regarding their motives/techniques:

Motivation:  Desire to raise children to be good people who love the Lord and love their neighbor.

Parenting Styles: 
-          Establish our values as a family, and then do our best to model and teach those values 
-          Set some rules, but mostly trust our kids to do what’s right
-          Strongly believe in treating our children with respect, and not dictating to them everything they should do 
-          Something along the lines of Joseph Smith’s saying “…teach them correct principles and they govern themselves”

Some Objectives:
-          Teach the Gospel with the intent of children growing up to make covenants and follow the Lord
-          Teach obedience
-          Teach children to respect, love and serve others
-          Teach children how to work and be responsible

How well we followed our ideal:
-          There’s ALWAYS room for improvement as a parent – we’re learning as we go
-          Overall, we raised/are raising our kids the way we have hoped to – but feel we fall short a lot of the time
-          Our kids are awesome, so despite our shortcomings, they’re turning out great so far

Some of greatest challenges:
-          Learning how to handle different personalities – everybody can’t be parented exactly the same way.
-          Knowing when to keep pushing and when to back off
-          Getting kids to do chores!
-          Seeing our kids suffer/experience pain – physical or emotional.
-          Having enough time to take care of everyone’s needs

Some of our greatest joys:
-          Seeing our kids be successful in anything – from a test at school, to a game or performance, or even just being a good friend
-          Watching them move through each stage of life – always something to love about every age!
-          Our kids developing their own testimonies and choosing righteous paths
-          The bond we have as a family – times just sitting around together talking about our day
-          When our kids are happy
-          When our kids show love to anyone

-          Pray about/for your kids – be specific and seek the help of the Lord
-          Communicate as parents and be on the same team
-          Keep communication open and active with kids
-          Let them know they’re loved no matter what

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